Sunday, January 11, 2009

Technology still hates me, The Path: 1926, and Wizard World's dying off.

How were everyone's respective celebrated holidays? I took the little lady back to NY with me to meet my family. I think they like her better than they like me now. Which is cool. That'll just make things easier when the wedding bells ring down the road.

So, technology and I continue to be the worst of friends. The new monitor for my computer's reolution isn't supported by Windows XP/my graphics card. So, I'm working on getting new drivers to trick it into cooperating with me.

The upside to all this downtime is that I'm working on (wait for it) ANOTHER "PatH" REWRITE!

But why? Well, because I fell asleep on the couch one day watching cartoons and woke up to find that I'd drawn a picture of Chance in 1920's garb and one of Kat as a gypsy. This led to my feverishly transposing The Path into the 1920's and, well...I REALLY like what I came up with. "The Path"'s regular run will continue, but The Path: 1926 (working title) has rapidly become a project I want to subject my ever-diminishing sanity to. Watch this space for updates/preview art.

Those of you in the know have found out that Wizard World LA has been post-ponned until further notice and Wizard World Texas has been CANCELLED! WWTX is a huge loss for me, because that's always my best con of the year. Le SIGH. Hopefully you crazy Texans will put up enough of a fuss to get it on again. If not, well...give me suggestions of other good cons to go to down there! The Path has a disturbingly large following in the Lone Star State, and I wouldn't want to lose you guys!

That's all for now. I'll catch you hip cats and kittens later.

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